Thursday, July 28, 2011


I've got another thing to add to my list of possible reasons for being stressed out. This one I learned with a bit of trial an error. I get a bit overwhelmed because I think the weight of the world is on my shoulders. If a team member is unhappy, it's my fault. If customer relationships don't function well, it's my fault. If the team isn't well organized, it's my fault. If product quality is lacking, it's my fault. Management books tell you that this is true and to a degree it really is true. But I have been trying to do all of this either by myself or by delegation. But what about escalation? What about asking help from God and trusting in him? A few days ago, I reached a point of despiration where I recognized I simply couldn't do what had to be done. The issues were a difficult situation with a potentially laid off employee and troubleshooting a deep-rooted multiple person customer relationship problem. I prayed earlier this week about it and promised to dedicate my efforts to help but asked God to guide both issues to resolution. I trusted that he'd help me solve something I could not solve.

And he did.

Another employment opportunity opened up for this potentially laid off employee - one that he really liked. One of the main players in the customer relationship problem confided more trust in me by telling me that he's been reflecting on aspects of the rift and felt like he needed to talk to me and continue mending the rift. Long-standing efforts to break down resistance to unify the work of two departments were helped by a chain of events that helped combine planning for the departments and brought it into alignment with inspired direction identified years earlier. These things happened entirely outside of my control or influence.

So, the other thing to add to my list of things I might need to change at work is to do better at praying always and ask God to help me - almost collaborate with me - in doing this work. My Father in law has been reading these entries and gave me this very advice last week. I think this is right.

Although this is difficult, I'm sure grateful that I'm learning it. It's providing a foundation that I expect to be very useful in later endeavors.

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