Monday, June 27, 2011

Stress Investigation

This hidden weight thing is still on my mind. I've put a lot of thinking into trying to figure out why my job is stressing me out and several ideas have popped up but I don't have anything conclusive yet. Here's what I have so far:
  • I'm a people pleaser with too many people to please - I might need to learn to let go of pleasing everyone and focus my attention of finding what's right and then doing that - even if there's drama along the way. Lack of drama isn't necessarily a measurement of success.
  • Focusing on getting things done is not as fulfilling as enjoying the doing - I'm a tasky guy. Just ask my wife. There's a geeky thrill in checking stuff off the list but if the list is the focus, I tend to lose focus on more important things that get in the way or near the neat little path of getting things done.
  • True joy comes from caring about and helping people - When I'm focused on what I want, I tend to get stressed out about it over time. When I am focused on what others need and who they are, a whole new world of potential and excitement opens up. I begin to see people as what they really are - unique human beings with threads of divine potential woven into their souls. 
  • What people think of me is not as important as what God thinks of me - This is big. It's really easy for me to weigh people's opinions and thoughts as more important than God's. After all, these people are right in my face and God isn't. But what that can do is either inflate or deflate my self-image - depending on the mood of those around me. I suppose that it is a way of relinquishing control to other people.
So, those are my thoughts so far. Perhaps it's a combination of these and others. Can't wait to figure this out. Hopefully it won't take my whole life.

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