Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Discovering Potential

It's sort of a discovery raise children. Aside discovering more about yourself as you parent (which is a whole other post) you learn and relearn the personality and potential of your children. Such is the case with Ethan.

We know a few things about Ethan right now. He's persistent, he's affectionate, he's fun-loving, and he's very much a one-track mind. Most of the time his mind is focused on something in tangible vicinity. As a result, learning intangibles like right and wrong can be a slower process. But he's starting to get it. Today he had a day when he was kind in his actions and speaking, even when circumstances would have typically sent him down a more reactive path. But today I understood that he was different, even principled in a six-year-old way.

Ethan is awesome. And the great thing is, all my kids are. They came to us with potential and we get to go along with them in discovering that potential.

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