Monday, July 11, 2011

Visiting Grandpa

I'm pleased to report that Dad is recovering well. The Emily, Ethan, Jason, Claire, Joe and I visited him at the rehabilitation wing of the hospital this evening. He's coherent, he speaks well, smiles and jokes, can feed himself and his gaining mobility. Last week the swelling in his brain finally stopped and he was sent to the rehab wing on Thursday. He could be there for several weeks - even months. We all have high hopes of him regaining strength and returning to most of the ability he had previously. I don't know if walking is possible but it would sure be wonderful.

When I took the kids to visit him in ICU last week they were a little spooked seeing him lay on his hospital bed with wires and monitors all around him. Today he was sitting up in his bed with not even an IV hooked up to him and the kids reacted much better to him. Claire was still reluctant to succumb to Grandpa's attempts to make her smile but everyone else was much more comfortable. I'm excited to see if this stroke thing will slow Grandpa down enough that he'll be able to spend a bit more time with his grandkids. That'd be great.

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