Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Serving My Parents

Lately I've been thinking more about the people in my life. I think about how I could serve each of them in my immediate and extended family. I think about how I can serve those in my team at work and some in my neighborhood. As I have done this, I've had more opportunity to think about serving my Dad and my Mom. And then I stop and remember that Mom is gone and I can no longer serve her directly. There's an odd emptiness there that I haven't felt in the time that she's been gone. I miss visiting her, holding her hand as we walked down the care center hallway, seeing her smile when she saw me or my kids, her.

But I did have the privilege of serving Dad tonight - which was just as great. I visited with him for a while this evening and saw the progress he's making. I noticed that he has a handle above his bed which allows him to lift himself to a sitting position on the side of the bed. His balance is also improving. And he showed me tonight that there is very slight movement at his left elbow. This is so exciting! I understand that re-training the brain takes a long time so these small steps forward are very significant.

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