Saturday, October 15, 2011

Nana and Papa Arrive

For the first time in three years Alicia's parents are with us for a visit. They flew in tonight and arrived to a welcome sign made by the kids and a van that was filled to capacity with passengers (I stayed home because there were not enough seats for all of us). The kids are very excited to have them here and I look forward to the building of stronger relationships during this time. With Mom's passing and Dad's stroke, grandparents on my side are a little limited in presence (although the kids see Grandpa about every other week) so it will be good to give them a strong grandparent relationship. And Alicia often longs for more time with her parents. As we got Nana and Papa set up for bed in the basement I saw Alicia and her Mother say goodnight and hug and I could tell that it was long overdue - perhaps for both of them.

This will be a good visit.

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