Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fatal Stubbornness

I saw a billboard the other day that read, "100,000 men die every year from stubbornness." I thought of my grandfather who died one morning at home keeled over in pain from stomach cancer, reportedly without seeking proper treatment. I thought of my Dad who tends to keep his own woes silent. And I thought of myself and how I've had a nasty cold the last few days and have tried desperately to work through it. Yesterday I was sensible enough to know that I wasn't up to working but not sensible enough to rest. Instead I just worked on my laptop from my bed all day. Then today, I came into work thinking I could get through it but ended up leaving early as I thought about the bad example I was setting for the team and the fact that I needed proper rest.

So hopefully, I'll turn the tide of this stubbornness and live a little longer.

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