Saturday, October 1, 2011

Serving Fathers

Through the day I kept thinking about Dad and how he would enjoy being able to see the Priesthood Session of the LDS General Conference tonight. I pushed the thought away several times thinking that we didn't have enough gas for me to take a trip to Orem. Finally, I went to attend the broadcast of the meeting at my own Church building and again I felt strongly that I needed to go see him and include him. So I stood up and left the meeting and drove to Orem. I called Susan and found out that members of his ward had taken him to his local Church building so I rushed to that building and arrived in time to catch the final talk of the meeting, given by President Monson.

When the meeting was over I looked for him but couldn't find him. So I drove to the rehabilitation center and found his bed empty. I imagined that he was still with those who took him to the meeting so I left him a note on his bed explaining my desire to be with him at the meeting and expressing my love.

I didn't see Dad but it felt good to do what I did anyway. On the drive down I was thinking about a verse from the New Testament, "... Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." (Matt. 25:40) I wanted to serve Dad and I believe that I did that but I kept thinking about how Heavenly Father loves his children so much that he considers service to them as service to Him. So really, I was serving both my Father and my Heavenly Father.

This adds new dimension to service and love.

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