Sunday, March 6, 2011

Unexpected Inspiration

Alicia wasn't feeling well this morning so I took the kids out of the house and to give her a chance to rest. I had planned on taking the kids on a long drive to antelope island but they were quickly tiring of the drive by the time we neared the Salt Lake City airport. So instead, I found a road close to one of the runways and we watched as planes took off.

I thought it was sort of a lame settle but the kids loved it there. We ate our picnic out of the back of the van while we watched the planes take off. As each one lifted into the sky, the kids would ooh or exclaim "There it goes!"and then have enough interest to do the very same thing for the next plane a few minutes later. In fact, it was so inspiring to them that Emily created a drawing of planes taking off later this afternoon.

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