Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ethan's First Lost Tooth

Seems like life is full of firsts. I suppose it's sort of a rite of passage that people like to notice. First date, first  child, first job, first car, first disgruntled employee (got that one today). But I've noticed that Alicia and I have gone overboard in this. I remember with Emily, we used to get all giddy about things like her first diaper explosion, first rolling over, and first time she held her bottle. We'd celebrate these first events like they were the fourth of July. After a while, we got sort of used to the world of firsts and when the other kids had a diaper blowout, fireworks and watermelon were the furthest thing from our minds.

Still, some events are still meaningful - especially when the child is so excited about it. This is the case with first day of school and was true also today when Ethan lost his first tooth. He was thrilled to lose it and even more thrilled when he bound into our room at 6:00 am to announce that the tooth fairy came and gave him money. Even through our tiredness, we gave Ethan a hug and smiled as he dashed happily out of our room.

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