Thursday, March 17, 2011

Finding What's Best

Back a few years ago when you could get credit by clearing your throat, Alicia and I did. We made some unwise decisions with that available credit and as the costs of paying off those bills combine with the cost of living increase and our growing family needs, we find that we are short in our budgets. Really short. This has been on our minds for the last several weeks so we've sought the advice of a financial councillor. We may need to sell my car, will need to look into refinancing our house (even though its value has dropped below what we owe), and consider other employment. This last reality is a difficult one. I love my job and Alicia loves our home and my being able to have a day job and then be a husband and father. Taking a second job, side contracts, a different job or relocating the family somewhere else for an altogether new employment are all options we have to consider now.

But today, a great blessing showed up that will help us. My annual merit increase came in higher than expected. That's a blessing enough. But to add to that, my boss sent me an email stating: "While the [annual increase] may be smaller than I would hope, it does represent that you’ve done a great job. It is on par with the top performers in the division. Also, I spoke to David about making an additional adjustment and we plan to do that soon to so there will be more to come. Thanks for all you do."

The David referred to is the Managing Director of the department for the LDS Church for which I work. I happened to bump into him on the bus home today and he mentioned that he approved my raise today. When I thanked him, he added the assurance that, "you've earned it."

I don't know how much this second raise on top of the annual merit increase is but in the realities of my personal situation, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude. I have faith that Heavenly Father knows everyone's situation and is looking out for what's best for all of us. Today's events provide an indication that what may be best for us is for me to keep working for the LDS Church. There's no place I'd rather work (even Disney or Pixar).

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