Saturday, March 26, 2011

Super Hero Dum-Dum Pop

Ethan laying down in the InstaCare
It's sad when your kids get so sick that all they do is lie around the house with half-closed eyes and expressionless faces. It's especially sad when that state is such a contrast from their normal disposition. Such is the case with Ethan. He's had a cold lately which has caused high fevers and all sorts of other bodily unpleasantness. He's gone in cycles of having high fever, shivers, sleepiness, then getting some acetaminophen, picking up and feeling more like himself, playing with Emily or the Wii, then slowing down again and a full repeat of the cycle.

My worry finally drove me to take him to the InstaCare in town. Turned out that the doctor said it was just a cold and gave him antibiotics and a sucker. I decided to not get the prescription since it seemed like the doctor was just punting in his treatment plan and Ethan and I drove away from having paid $35 with nothing but a dum-dum pop.

But maybe it wasn't so much of a rip off because Ethan started showing signs of improvement later in the day. Must have been the sucker.

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