Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Battle of the Potty Humor

Alicia accused me this evening of being juvenile and enjoying potty humor. Offended that I could be seen in such an unsavory light I disagreed.

"You like Spongebob," she rebutted.

"Yeah, but not the potty-humor parts."

"What about the parts where it cuts away to some close-up of a belly button or something with hair and lint coming out of it and there's some horn noise [she makes the horn noise]."

The hilarity of the recounting with the horn noise was too much for me and I started to laugh. "See?" she said. There was no point explaining and I was too busy laughing so I let her have her point. But now, the next morning as I'm writing about this, I remember her doing a little potty humoring herself. As I was getting on the bus yesterday I got this text from her:

"Is this day over yet!!!!"

I came to find out that Claire had taken her pull-up off, pooped in bed and had wiped it all over her sheets, blankets, bedframe, wall and (brace yourself) hair and face. Alicia had to throw away the bedding, pillow and had to wash Claire from head to toe twice to get it off. Not pleasant. Alicia characterized this as "the biggest poop disaster of all human history."  So that's potty humor too, right.

There, so we're both guilty.

1 comment:

  1. How can you even compare these two situations?!!!! There is no similarity to them at all. Your potty humour is completely different. You laugh at and point out things that can be crude or not needing to be pointed out (just like the little boys in our lives. I should know, I grew up with boys of the same caliber). My situation was that it was actual poop that I had to clean up and what I said was a commentary on an almost tramatic experience for both Claire and I. If you were here you would have understood better. We are still very different in this area, thank you very much. :)
