Friday, September 23, 2011

Steve and Sarah's Stay

Alicia's Brother Steve and his wife Sarah have been on a trip to California to see Sarah's family this last few weeks and right now they're spending a few days with our family. I love it when Alicia gets a chance to see and be around her family since it doesn't happen very often. This year has been an anomaly with Joe for a whole month, this couple day visit with Steve and Sarah and an upcoming three-week visit in October with Alicia's parents. It's been great for Alicia.

And it's also been great for our kids to get to know some more family. They too look forward to these visits - even if it doesn't involve someone of similar age. This particular visit allows the kids to better get to know Ryan. Tonight I sat on the porch as the sun was fading behind the west mountains and watch Ethan, Ryan and Claire playing a tag game. The night before Steve and I took them to the park nearby and watched them play and ride scooters, big wheels (or whatever they're called now), and bikes. It's great to see them sharing time and building relationships like this.

I hope that when Steve, Sarah and Ryan leave tomorrow that they will have positive memories of their stay. And I trust that our kids will have the same.

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