Saturday, September 17, 2011

Big Family, Less Work?

Alicia and I have tried a few times to get our kids engaged in the maintaining of the house and what usually happens is we do some push, then lose steam and go back to us (most Alicia) cleaning everything and getting occasional help from the kids.

Over the last several weeks Alicia has been thinking about this and wanting to distribute the work of the home better. Additionally, she and I want to give the kids opportunity to just just grow up sitting around and doing homework but actually learning how to work and better skills. So Alicia has put together this weekly job chart that will assist with this. It's been really great to see how this has gone. Most times the kids have been willing to do their jobs and when they aren't we go through the whining and complaining drama and eventually they get it and start doing their work. Alicia called me earlier this week and mentioned that now that the kids are helping with the house more, she finds that she has a lot more time.

Having a big family requires a lot of work but if we can learn how to share that work as a family, then it's not overwhelming. I think that's what Alicia has discovered and it feels true to me too.

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