Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How Will I Be Remembered?

A few weeks ago, I attended a training given by one of the leaders of the Church for which I work. Elder Oaks challenged the managers and leaders in attendance to give some thought to what they would like to be remembered for. Everyone will leave their current position at some point and when that point comes, what will be the legacy left behind. As I thought about this today, I realized that the thing I am most interested in accomplishing in my current post is to influence or clear the barriers we have to producing meaningful, impactful and inspiring products for the members and leaders of the Church. Ultimately, I seek to make a substantive effort in products that lead people to Christ.

As I've worked in management positions at the Church, I have not often recognized the impact I'm making. I don't doubt that I have made an impact so this isn't a pitiful perspective, it's just that my efforts through the days are more focused on the tasks at hand, and less about the overall purpose. I considered that today and then I knew what needed to do next. Energized about the thought, I stepped off the morning bus a few blocks early so I could walk through downtown and fuel my thinking.  Before we can really influence and put our hearts into these products, our sponsoring departments need to trust us better than they do now.

My pace quickened as I thought of ways we could improve this trust. Finally, I was at speed walker pace by the time I reached the back door of the building. I felt like I was exploding the doors open as I walked into the building and it wasn't 15 minutes before I had an impromptu meeting going with trusted collaborators trying to inspire their minds about what we could do next. By the end of the day a new concept was on my desk with this focus in mind.

Amazing how energizing it is when you put things in proper context.

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