Saturday, August 20, 2011

Making Marriage Work

When I'm in a business setting, it's easy to recognize some common courtesies like being on time and calling to reset people's expectations on my performance. At home it's somehow really easy to forget to do those things. This morning I went to help Julie with her yard sale and it took longer than Alicia and I originally anticipated. I didn't properly call Alicia and let her know about these changes and as a result she felt sort of trampled. This was compounded later in the day when another obligation took me out of the home and she was left once again to take care of everything else while I was away.

Tonight we spoke openly about this and were able to express ourselves and come to greater understanding. It took over an hour with plenty of silent spaces of time but finally we resolved it and learned a bit more about each other in the process. At the end, we knelt in prayer expressing gratitude for our marriage and asking for help to overcome weaknesses and trials. There was a deep feeling on unity and love in that prayer.

This evening is an example of why I love Alicia and am lucky to be married to her. She is (1) open with her feedback and (2) committed to resolving issues and not letting them fester. I hurt her today but she was willing to talk it through - even when talking was very hard to do against the thick silence. Alicia has been so supportive and forgiving of me. She's committed to making marriage work and I am thankful for her patience in being married to imperfection. I love her and will strive to be as kind to her as she deserves.

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