Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Child Can Play Video Games Better Than Yours

I've noticed that people have mixed feelings when it comes to video games. Some seem to feel like it's a barrier to social development, a door to idleness, and a free ticket to a world of dysfunctional fantasy (sounds a lot like TV). Even Alicia felt that way through most of our marriage, until we got a Wii. We kept the games to non-violent family friendly titles (pretty much anything with Mario in the title) and found that the whole family really liked it - even Alicia and I.

But still, I feel an odd mix of pride and shame at publishing the below video of my three year old Jace really catching on to video games. Pride because he's developing good coordination skills through these video games and shame at having just written that statement as if it's really that important.

But still, this is probably the first time he got the idea that video games can be lots of fun (Since then he asked us all day Sunday if he could play again). He was having a blast and I can't help but see his smile and smile as well. Anything that can bring that kind of smile to a 3 year old can't possibly be THAT bad.

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