Monday, February 28, 2011

Frozen Yogurt with a Two-Year-Old

Claire experiencing frozen yogurt brain freeze
After nearly two months of working late on Monday nights to finish my MBA, I finally had a date night with one of my kids tonight - and this time it was Claire's turn. We didn't talk about much. I asked her if she liked Ben, Jace, Ethan, Emily, Mom and Dad. She thankfully said yes to each one. I asked if her frozen yogurt was cold. She responded "cold" with lips puckered out (see picture). And she told me that she pooped in her pull-up.

I trust that her conversation will improve by the time she goes on dates with guys but until then, we can sit in relative silence over frozen yogurt anytime.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Child Can Play Video Games Better Than Yours

I've noticed that people have mixed feelings when it comes to video games. Some seem to feel like it's a barrier to social development, a door to idleness, and a free ticket to a world of dysfunctional fantasy (sounds a lot like TV). Even Alicia felt that way through most of our marriage, until we got a Wii. We kept the games to non-violent family friendly titles (pretty much anything with Mario in the title) and found that the whole family really liked it - even Alicia and I.

But still, I feel an odd mix of pride and shame at publishing the below video of my three year old Jace really catching on to video games. Pride because he's developing good coordination skills through these video games and shame at having just written that statement as if it's really that important.

But still, this is probably the first time he got the idea that video games can be lots of fun (Since then he asked us all day Sunday if he could play again). He was having a blast and I can't help but see his smile and smile as well. Anything that can bring that kind of smile to a 3 year old can't possibly be THAT bad.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sobering Finances

Alicia and I took a hard look at our finances the other day and it's made us realize that we have to do something drastic. Either we have to cut our costs deeply, get a really big raise at the Church, find a new job, or pick up more side work. It's been a sobering realization and we're seriously thinking about all of these options. Today I found out that a large raise isn't going to happen so that leaves us with the other options.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Last Post in MBA Degree

I've written hundreds of posts like the following through the twelve MBA courses at the University of Phoenix. There were about 10 of these due every week. What follows is my very last post in this degree:


"Week six - the final week of this degree - was quite challenging. That test was a monster. I haven't ever been that stressed in test-taking. It made me realize how mushy my brain is. I had a difficult time recalling some of that information (particularly the accounting).

"It's also been nice to put this whole degree to application with this paper. I've been able to carry out this strategic planning on the team that I lead at work and the application of knowledge to real work situations is very enlightening. I've prepared the power point as assigned but in addition to completing the requirement, I'll actually be using it to pitch the strategy to the team.

"On a reflective note, today is my last day in my MBA. I went back to school to expand my knowledge and articulation in business terms. This degree and this school has enabled me to do that and prepared me for the future. I wish I had more time to dig deeper into the concepts but I've got a good collection of knowledge to start off with. The rest will come from ongoing learning, reading, and most importantly - trial and error. So in a sense, I'm not leaving school at all, I'm just getting started in extended laboratories section of my education.

"And the best part about this new phase? No 100 question tests on 2 cumulative years of curriculum. :)


Friday, February 18, 2011

Almost a Father and Husband Again

School is almost done! I've finished my last paper, presentation and posts. I just have a test tomorrow and a bit of polishing to do on the paper on Monday and I'm finished!

Because most of the work was done, I was able to take the bus today at a decent time into work and a decent time returning from work. It felt so good to show up for dinner at a normal time with the family tonight.

Only a few more days!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mending Yesterday

I had arranged with Alicia to stay late at work all week to finish up school so she wasn't expecting me to come how at six with a box of chocolates and some sparkling cider. We had a great night together as a family and then a relaxing evening watching a few shows and having some treats.

The contrast of this day to yesterday is stark. What happened with our financial disagreements yesterday is gone and we're starting this week off strong - which is good because this is the final stretch of school and I'll be away from home a lot.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Earthquake and Tension

In the middle of the night we experienced an earthquake. It was a small earthquake - about 2.8 - and it's epicenter was just south of the development in which we live. Both Alicia and I were awakened from deep sleep when we felt and heard it.

For the next hour or so, I was preoccupied with thoughts about how ill-prepared we are for something like this. I began to get worried about how well I'm providing for the family and after I slept a few more hours. I poured over our finances to try to find a way to reduce our debt and increase our savings and emergency preparedness.

I was so intent on fixing this problem that I didn't collaborate much with Alicia about it. As a result, she felt forced into the financial decisions I was making and she was hurt as an outcome.

The day ended poorly with tension between us - although apologies had been expressed.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Progress at School

Alicia attended parent teacher conference today for both Emily and Ethan. Emily is doing well in math. She's a grade ahead. She's also respectful and attentive in class. She needs some work on reading comprehension (just like her Daddy) but overall she's doing very well.

Ethan is also respectful and well-behaved in class. The teacher mentioned that he can get distracted pretty easily but he's a good kid. It's interesting to hear this from another person - it's absolutely true. He has made improvements in reading but still needs a bit of work on letters and rhyming.

Overall, they're both doing well. Alicia and I are proud of them and thrilled to see them learning and progressing.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Wonderful Life

Alicia and the kids were so kind and thoughtful today in the celebration of my birthday. While I was at work, they called and sang to me and for dinner tonight they had balloons, decorations and a plate full of doughnuts as my birthday cake. They even got me a few presents to enjoy.

I felt so loved. Alicia is to credit for much of this. She went out of her way today it a special day. I have a wonderful life.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Magic Jar

This is the second time we've used a jar and chocolate as a tracking mechanism to keep the kids motivated towards a goal. It seems to work well for them. This time the goal was to be respectful and kind and the reward was an evening at Pirate Island - a themed pizza restaurant in Orem.

Today the kids finished the goal and filled the jar with candy so we invited Julie to join us for an evening at Pirate Island. The kids wore pirate hats, played arcade games, and enjoyed at least a few bites of their food. I enjoyed the atmosphere and I kept thinking of ways to improve it. I'd love to open a place like that someday.

Kudos to the kids for doing such a good job. We'll do the jar thing again to keep these good things going.

Friday, February 4, 2011

More Active Leadership at Home

Alicia and I have been talking about our roles as parents and spouses and as we have I've realized that I need to take more of an active leadership role at home. This was illustrated in a conversation I had with Alicia in which I mentioned that I get too opinionated and demanding sometimes at work and she asked why I'm so different there from here. As I thought about it, I realized that I feel like I'm responsible for something there. Here I don't feel that way as much. It's mostly helping Alicia and trying to build good relationships. I don't participate in much leadership at home and I realize that this is wrong. Alicia expressed that she feels a big burden on her shoulders in part because I'm not doing more in leadership.

So I have some work to do.

Leadership at Home

Alicia and I have been talking about our roles as parents and spouses and as we have I've realized that I need to take more of an active leadership role at home.

This was illustrated in a conversation I had with Alicia in which I mentioned that I get too opinionated and demanding sometimes at work and she asked why I'm so different there from here. As I thought about it, I realized that I feel like I'm responsible for something there. Here I don't feel that way as much. It's mostly helping Alicia and trying to build good relationships. I don't participate in much leadership at home and I realize that this is wrong.

Alicia expressed that she feels a big burden on her shoulders in part because I'm not doing more in leadership. So I have some work to do.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Too Far Out on a Limb

I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed, nervous, and self-doubting lately relative to my job. It's my own brand of pride. I've been praying for help with this over the last few days and this morning, I'm feeling the answer.

It's faith in Jesus Christ. I sort of stepped too far out on the limb without looking to him to guide me. I got caught up in my position and the self-imposed pressure of it and just kept doing things under my own direction and not his.

This morning I paced on the walkway over the atrium in the metro building thinking about Christ and how he loves me, knows me and wants to help me and I felt the Spirit of Christ return in fuller measure and now I'm ready to get back to His work.