Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

For the past 11 years there has always been a Christensen family party on Christmas Eve. But this year, Tam and family were working on Christmas Eve and Whitley, who was visiting home from her first year in college in Nebraska, really wanted to see the family. So we moved the party to the day after Christmas. As a result, Alicia and I and our kids had Christmas Eve to ourselves and we didn't really know what to do with it!

We had a big ham dinner at home and ended up with Julie joining us. Julie had to drop off her kids at a Nance celebration that she didn't really want to attend since Richard was there, So we still did a sort of extended family thing. But this one was much more laid back.

To cap off the evening after Julie left each of the kids opened up their Christmas Eve pajamas and a Disneyland themed Candyland game. Then we talked about Jesus being the light and hope of the world before we tucked them in on the one night of the year when we allow them to sleep in our room.

Alicia's traditional Christmas Eve cookie plate.
Emily and Ethan are very excited for tomorrow. I think Jace is more excited about sleeping in our room than anything else. And Claire and Ben don/t really recognize what's in store.

I look forward to seeing how tomorrow goes.

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