Friday, December 10, 2010

Babysitters are Saints

It's so important to go on dates. I've been told this and I've believed it in the past but after going to Disneyland, I really understand why it's such a big deal. Before that time it felt like Alicia and I were sort of in different places. We were so rushed, so busy, so concerned, so distracted from each other that we were beginning to drift apart. Then Disneyland came and it felt like one giant date. It took a few days but we got back on the same page and since that time, we've been blessed with good people who have been willing to babysit for us on a weekly basis - allowing us to keep this up.

One of those good people is Norma. She has come over most weekends since we've gotten back and the kids love her. She's like a grandmother to them - spoiling them with a treat and an activity every time she comes. Tonight she tucked the boys in and they both told her that they loved her. Norma said this warmed her heart. And on our side of things, we were able to do some Christmas shopping and go to Chili's for a dessert. It's a win win situation.

I would like to babysit for our kids too so that they can have dates to keep their marriages strong.

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