Friday, December 31, 2010

First New Year's Eve

Emily had her first New Year's Eve party tonight. She was invited to Ali Draper's house for a late-over tonight. She watched the Time Square ball drop (I wonder if Dick Clark is dead yet), banged pots and pans and had late night snacks. She reported that she had a good time. As for the rest of the kids, they all went to bed at 8.

I imagine that Emily will want to stay up for New Years from here on since she's had this experience. Our fuddy-duddy ways of going to bed early on New Years Eve may be coming to an end for a while.

Glad she had fun though.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Really Big Birthday Party for Em

Emily turned 9 today and Alicia mentioned later that in three short years, she'll enter the Young Women's program. Both facts are a shocker to me. It has been a long time since she's been a baby but the new experiences that present themselves to our family as she grows older seem to come faster than we anticipate them.

We gave her a pretty grown-up gift today. She got her own iPod and a music download gift card for her to use in filling it up. She seemed pretty excited about that.

And today was the day of the Christensen Christmas party. We celebrated Em and Noelle's birthday and also had a nice soup and roll dinner and also exchanged Christmas presents from each family.

The character of this party was quite different from previous Christmas parties. Seems like after Christmas, everyone is a little more available. We had the whole family there - even Ali, Mike and their new baby Milo. And several of us hung out for hours after the meal was done. In previous parties, we would eat, play a game or two, sing a song and then rush out. It was nice to have a contrast. Even Jen, who was reluctant to change the party from Christmas Eve, agreed that this was much better.

Looks like we might have a new tradition in the works. I sure Em won't mind since it becomes a big party on her birthday.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

With the kids in our room last night, Alicia and I got limited sleep. We discovered that Jace talks in his sleep and that our kids toss and turn quite a bit. They got up around 6 and then watched a movie on my work laptop until Claire woke up too.

The opening of Christmas presents today was quite nice. We opened a few then let the kids play a bit then open a few more. By the time we were done, the basement was covered in stockings, wrapping paper, toys, candy, and macositic packaging devices designed to pinch, cut and frustrate the hands that try to retrieve the items they house.

Emily got the roller skates and Zhu Zhu Pets she asked Santa for. Ethan got his claw toy from Santa and some legos but not the Nintendo DS he asked of Santa. He was vocally disappointed and it was the first time Alicia and I have been confronted with Christmas morning ingratitude. We both talked to him about it afterwards. Jace was all about trains. He got a Thomas blanket, and a train playset which he was elated with. Claire got some dress-up shoes and a few dolls. She too enjoyed her gifts. It was the funnest to watch her open gifts because she was always so excited to open them and so happy with what was inside - even if it was pajamas. And then there was Ben. He got some clothes and a few toys but all he really cared about was sleep and formula.

Alicia gave me a new dress coat for me to wear to work. I've been wanting one of these for a very long time so this was a very nice gift. She also was thoughtful enough to request a copy of my Mom's patriarchal blessing and had that with an angel ornament on my tree. Additionally, she made a recipe book of my Mom's recipes. A very thoughtful Christmas from her.

This afternoon we went to Dad and Susan's and did a bit more playing and gifting there too. This year Susan seemed really rushed to get us out the door. But despite that, we had a nice time there and the kids loved their gifts.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

For the past 11 years there has always been a Christensen family party on Christmas Eve. But this year, Tam and family were working on Christmas Eve and Whitley, who was visiting home from her first year in college in Nebraska, really wanted to see the family. So we moved the party to the day after Christmas. As a result, Alicia and I and our kids had Christmas Eve to ourselves and we didn't really know what to do with it!

We had a big ham dinner at home and ended up with Julie joining us. Julie had to drop off her kids at a Nance celebration that she didn't really want to attend since Richard was there, So we still did a sort of extended family thing. But this one was much more laid back.

To cap off the evening after Julie left each of the kids opened up their Christmas Eve pajamas and a Disneyland themed Candyland game. Then we talked about Jesus being the light and hope of the world before we tucked them in on the one night of the year when we allow them to sleep in our room.

Alicia's traditional Christmas Eve cookie plate.
Emily and Ethan are very excited for tomorrow. I think Jace is more excited about sleeping in our room than anything else. And Claire and Ben don/t really recognize what's in store.

I look forward to seeing how tomorrow goes.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Job to Help People

I love my job. And a big part of what I love is in helping people. My days are often spent in meetings or specific organziational tasks and sometimes it gets so busy that I my monthly one-on-one meetings with my team (24 and counting) can feel like a nuisance but when I do those and I listen to what people are needing and then advise, help, council or get things done for them, it's wonderful.

Today I listened to concerns voiced by one team member regarding a plan I had initiated. Based on his valuable feedback, I was presented with a different perspective and as a result changed the plan of action. This course correction felt very right and would never have happened if that individual didn't speak up and I didn't listen.

And a few days ago, I listened to the concerns of another team member who was worried about her job status. I could see it was a big deal for her so I stepped out of the interview to talk to the person who could clear it up for her, resolved it and reported back to her. She was so happy and releaved that she started crying.

Pretty cool job.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Good Jar of Chocolate

Several weeks ago, Alicia and I noticed that our kids were being super crabby and fighting with each other. We wanted to come up with some way to help them find more joy in serving and helping each other so we got a glass vase and every time they did something kind or helpful, they got a chocolate. The prize for a full vase was a new game for our Wii. Tonight they finally filled the vase after several weeks and got the prize.

I think this really worked – especially for Ethan. He is calmer in his tone, kinder in his interactions with his siblings and listens better (not perfect, mind you, but better). When it was all done, it felt great to call the kids' attention to the jar full of chocolates and tell them that this is a lot of good they have done and Heavenly Father is pleased with them.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

LDS Website Recognition Dinner

Elder Andersen visiting our table

In working for the LDS Church I often get to attend meetings and devotionals where the ecclesiastical leaders speak and direct. It's a privilege to do this and tonight I got to share one of these meetings with Alicia. We were invited to an recognition dinner where the surprise visiting leader turned out to be Elder Anderson from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. After a nice conversation with a few people at my table, we heard a few remarks from Dave Clare, whom I worked with in ICS when I was in Riverton.

Dave expressed specific appreciation for every contributor at the dinner and when he got to me, he said some very kind things about me being a humble leader who mended strained relationships between ICS and AVD. I have been uncertain about how I positively contributed to while in Riverton so it was valuable to me to hear his perspective.

Then Elder Anderson stood and addressed us. He made several points worth noting:

  • In the coming years the voice proclaiming that Jesus is the Christ will become increasingly diminished. We need to be sure that the website communicates this very well.
  • You have to pass through complexity to get to simplicity. 
  • Our work is acceptable to the Lord. This is huge coming from one authorized to speak in the name of the Lord. I couldn't keep my eyes from welling up at this statement. I want very much for my efforts to be acceptable to Him.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Babysitters are Saints

It's so important to go on dates. I've been told this and I've believed it in the past but after going to Disneyland, I really understand why it's such a big deal. Before that time it felt like Alicia and I were sort of in different places. We were so rushed, so busy, so concerned, so distracted from each other that we were beginning to drift apart. Then Disneyland came and it felt like one giant date. It took a few days but we got back on the same page and since that time, we've been blessed with good people who have been willing to babysit for us on a weekly basis - allowing us to keep this up.

One of those good people is Norma. She has come over most weekends since we've gotten back and the kids love her. She's like a grandmother to them - spoiling them with a treat and an activity every time she comes. Tonight she tucked the boys in and they both told her that they loved her. Norma said this warmed her heart. And on our side of things, we were able to do some Christmas shopping and go to Chili's for a dessert. It's a win win situation.

I would like to babysit for our kids too so that they can have dates to keep their marriages strong.