Monday, January 24, 2011

Cosmic Interference With Family Relationships

There's been some cosmic interference or subliminal mind altering in our family lately. Jace and Claire usually fight incessently. It's like when they get within two feet of each other some involuntary screaming reaction happens in one or both of them. But in the past few days, they've been really kind to each other. Jace will do things for Claire and they'll even hug. Alicia was telling me that the other day, Jace was sharing some candy with her and she looked at Alicia while pointing to her brother and said with a smile, "Nice?"

Emily and Ethan have times when they fight but they also hit it off really well and can spend hours playing with each other (particularly when it's Sunday and the TV isn't on to distract). I'm hopeful that Claire and Jace can find a similar relationship. And Ben always has his Mom.

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