Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Flu Round Two

Yep. I'm sick. I've gotten the flu twice this year now. I used be be immune from flu stuff in the past but lately, it's catching up to me. I was down yesterday but I tried to work through it but cleaning the house, helping the kids and doing a few home projects. I felt much worse today than I did yesterday and I think it was my body's way of telling me that I need to slow down when I get sick. So, I did slow down and by the late afternoon, I was finally on the mend.

Luckily, Alicia mended a few days before I did and was able to let me rest today. I'm just hoping that no one else in this house gets sick.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Emily's Birthday and Christensen Christmas Party

Just like last year, we had our Christmas celebration with my extended family after Christmas. And, just like last year, we had it on the 26th. Much of what I said about last year, I still agree with and it shows all signs of becoming a tradition.

Our double-digit (10) birthday girl was playing with cousins most of the time we were there. In fact, most of the kids were like that. We didn't see Ethan and Jace much after we got there. Ben, however, we saw all the time. He hardly left his mother's side. And speaking of his mother, I think she has the flu. She laid on the couch feeling gross all morning and we were all but out the door when she stood up and with tears said that she wouldn't miss Emily's birthday party. So although, she wasn't feeling well and wasn't very lively, it was awesome that she was there.

We sang a few songs like we've done in the past but this
Ben played a few extra notes.
And speaking of the party, we had soups and breads and some birthday cake that was one third frosting and two thirds cake. We sang happy birthday and Emily got a gift card from her grandparents. Kind of textbook for kid birthdays. She loved it.

At the end of the party, we came home to a very, very messy house and crashed. As the night wore on, it was clear that Alicia was getting sicker and I began to feel something queasy as well. I was planning on going back to work tomorrow but now I'm starting to wonder.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Service

Kind of an odd Christmas in my perspective. Seems scandalous to say such a thing about Christmas day but that's my experience with it just the same.

The kids, however had a good day. They were thrilled with the gifts and were even flexible with adjusted Santa plans around our 9:00 Church schedule. We had stockings first thing in the morning, then went to Church and returned home to open the presents under the tree. Emily's highlight was the newest Zelda game. It was actually a family gift but she liked the story of the last one so much that she's drawn countless characters from it and copied stories, she's even midway through a project to create a book of Zelda. Ethan's highlight was a few lego sets that he got - an alien spaceship and a star wars ship. Jason was thrilled to recieve the Thomas ship play set he asked from Santa. Claire, being the consummate girly girl that she is loves her princess dress ups and her princess pajamas. And Ben has enjoyed this little ball machine thing that has holes for balls in the top, and a winding path down the height of the toy leading to where the ball comes out at the bottom, ready to be picked up and put in the top again.

Alicia and I had a bit of a limited Christmas this year. We thought that we would only have enough money for the kids but some extra cash showed up so we got a few things for each other too. The limited cash pushed us to be a little more creative with our gifts. Alicia got me an awesome comfy blanket and I got her a pregnancy survival kit of coupons she can use for a night off, a craving run (Alicia insists on calling them "wantings" and not cravings.), a day off from work, etc..

So that was all the great part of the day. The oddness came in when Alicia started to get sick this afternoon and I was responsible to take care of the house myself. So I had added responsibility and an attitude that Christmas should be a relaxing day. So I was pretty self-focused through the day and when kids needed things or the house was dirty, those needs were in direct competition with my desire to have a day off. As a result, I ended the day in bad temper with the kids and a VERY messy house. I felt kind of awful.

So I've learned that there are no days off. Even if I'm on vacation, I'm serving. And that's okay. It's as it should be. Every day that I'm granted life on this earth is a day I'm meant to bless other people's lives. I'm much happier when I'm serving anyway - especially on Christmas Day.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

We had big plans for Chistmas dinner tonight but because Alicia's energy was still gone, I took care of the kids and the house and ran out of time but a big turkey dinner with potatoes, stuffing, etc.. But we still roasted a turkey which turned out to be in the good spot between being rubbery and being dry. That said, I told Alicia that next year I want to go for a higher quality turkey - one that has one of those done timer rocket thingies in it.

They never play this well so we took
a picture of it.
Anyway, we had hot turkey sandwiches smothered in gravy. Alicia had enough energy for the dinner so she enjoyed the meal and so did I but our kids picked at the food on their plates with great suspicion and in the end, didn't eat much. But they did enjoy the egg nog though. I remember hating that when I was a kid (Even now it's a little too thick for my taste. I prefer to thin it out with a bit of ginger ale.) but all of them had at least one glass.

Everyone was in high spirits after the meal so the kids played together without the typical combatting between Jace and Claire (they even held hands at one point!) while Alicia and I cleaned up. Finally, we went downstairs and opened our Christmas Eve presents of pajamas and a family activity. The kids were oddly excited about getting pajamas this year. Maybe that's because they're sick of the ones they have or they are too small for their growing bodies. Ethan has a set of Spongebob pajamas that used to be pants and look more like shorts now. We'll be throwing those out since he got his flannel army ones tonight.

After our traditional pajamas on the couch picture, we watched a new Christmas special DVD together and then got the kids ready for their sleepover in our room next to our Christmas tree.

Everyone is really happy and excited right now. Even Alicia picked up a bit and her usual 3-4 hours of good energy per day was more like 6. I think we're all looking forward to tomorrow.

Friday, December 23, 2011

New iPad

A picture taken with the new iPad
Yesterday I got a new iPad from work. I've been borrowing one for the last month to see if it was a justified tool for my work. I've started reading books from it, studying from it and using it as my primary mode of mobile computing on the bus and on trips to the other office building location. It's been great so I was really excited to have one permanently assigned to me.

I was looking at it the other day and noticing how thin it is. It seems odd that something so small can do so much. Make's me wonder what's next.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

In Need of Strengthening

Unlike any previous pregnancy, this one is really taking Alicia off her feet. Seems like about 90% of the day she doesn't have any energy and feels sick. She isn't sleeping well, she feels overwhelmed, and her spirit is low. The other day she asked for a Priesthood blessing which I was happy to provide and am hopeful that she finds support in her relationship with God.

I'm also trying to supplement in helping as much as I can. Over the weekend I did all I could to let her sleep and take care of the kids and house. The local church congregation is helping as well. The other day, a friend of Alicia's who visits from time to time brought the family dinner to take that off of her shoulders. But above all of this, I believe the greatest source of peace and strength is sent from heaven and I'm praying for this blessing on Alicia's behalf.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Jace's Preschool Program

Jace's preschool (the same one that Emily and Ethan attended) does this little Christmas program every year. And every year it's the same, the kids put on little felt collars and hats that make them look like elves and then they sing 10 minute-long songs and on a stage at the Lehi Legacy Center. Then afterwards they hand out candy canes to the participants and their siblings.

It's simple enough that you would think that it gets old but it is so heart-warming to see these 3 and 4 year olds singing Christmas songs in their little costumes. Today I looked at the audience for a few moments instead of the kids on the stage and I saw the beaming smiles of parents. The brightest of all of them was my own wife.

Jace (on the left) saying his line
Jace got to sing like the rest of the kids but he also had a line this year, which he memorized and would rattle off anytime we asked. "Here comes the electric train!" He had a great time.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I've been saving up this journal entry for several months now and it's finally safe to write it.

Back in May Alicia was feeling like there might be a baby number six coming to our family. She spent about a week fighting that feeling with logic, justification, or whatever else she could throw at it. And finally Alicia and I ended the week attending the Mount Timpanogus Temple. In this reflective setting, this baby feeling kept bubbling up, and she kept fighting it down. Then finally, right at the end of the session of Temple service, she allowed herself to consider "what if." Immediately, a peace filled her thoughts and she felt like we were indeed going to have another baby. But not only that, she felt like the baby would be a girl and her name would be Elizabeth Rose.

When we finished our service, we went out to the car and Alicia proceeded to tell me all of this. Of course I was shocked but I was so impressed with her peace on the topic - which was plainly evident in her countenance that I knew it was right.

For the following six months, Alicia and I have been preparing physically, mentally and financially for this new baby. Our mental and financial resources are already stretched supporting a household and family of 7. This decision is no small thing and each of us have experienced fear and anxiousness at different times. A few weeks ago when the pregnancy test showed positive I went through a good two weeks of worry and doubt until I finally decided to trust that God knew what he was doing.

And now, Alicia is on week six of her pregnancy. She's drained of energy and gets nauseous at nearly anything (too hot, too cold, food smells, sneezes, bending over, tilting her head, blinking too many times in succession, etc.). We've got a good road ahead of us but in the end, we both know that Elizabeth is coming and God wants her with our family. And when God commands, he qualifies. 

So here we go!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Emily's First Visit to the Conference Center

Alicia and Emily attended the First Presidency Christmas Devotional this evening. It was Emily's first time going to an event in the Conference Center. From the looks of the pictures, they had a good time together. Emily said, "I really liked it. It was good."

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Festival of Crabbiness

Ethan in a full-body bubble thing at the
Festival of Trees
I think we've had our last family outing to the Festival of Trees ... ever. They rent out this huge convention hall and fill it with trees that have been donated by the community and then sell the trees to individuals and businesses. All proceeds go to benefit a local children's hospital so it's a nice thing for everyone. But all that warm nice stuff doesn't really keep my kids attention as we force our way through thick crowds of people through isle after isle of trees.

Attention has been waning for years but this year was particularly bad. We got through three isles before Alicia and the kids were done then we went to the kids corner to let the kids make some Christmas crafts and play. That lasted for about 30 minutes and the kids started to melt down. I tried to appease them with candy and treats but that didn't work either.

Finally we left the place with Ben screaming, Ethan crying, Emily complaining and my nerves shot. We got everyone in the car as quickly as possible and then drove away.

I have good memories of going to the Festival of Trees with my family. I've been trying to give my family similar memories but it appears that it just isn't the same for them. So, I'll let that one go.