Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summertime Sleepovers

Preparing for a Sunday afternoon nap.
Ever since school ended a few weeks ago, the kids ask to sleep over in another sibling's room about every other night. So we've moved Emily's bed to the boys room, moved Ethan's bed to Emily's room, and relocated all three at various points to the lower bunk in Claire's room. We even had all four kids in a fort downstairs a few weeks ago (that one didn't work out though).  

They are becoming more aware of each other's sleeping habits though. Emily's sleepy, flailing limbs are finding their way into other kids space. Jace's late night excitement is finding outlet when others are present. And Claire's long-lasting sociality emerges when she has company in her room. But the kids still love it. I don't have a problem with it either since they get such a kick out of it and it's a no cost fun thing we can do for the kids.

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