Sunday, April 10, 2011

Religious Duplicity

I have a belief in the doctrines of the LDS church. I also have a knowledge of facts regarding the purpose of life, and the role of Jesus Christ. At work, these parts of my personality have full opportunity to flourish and I'm able to express these things and lead others according to this knowledge and belief. But at home something is entirely different.

I love going to work at the Church but I don't like going to Church at home.

This seems so inconsistant so I tried to figure this out today. What I came up with is that I don't really feel like a part of my home congregation. At work, I feel like I'm contributing and needed to move things forward. At home, I'm another face in the crowd. When I'm not challenged, I'm too content to sort of blend into mediocrity. This isn't an option at work. I have to take care of the work I manage and the people I lead. I feel that responsiblity and I respond to it.

Feels oddly duplicitous to react so differently in these two environments that should be so similar. So I'm thinking of ways to get more engaged at Church at home.

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