Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hope of a Return to Sanity

If a person has more than one or two blog entries a year including the words potty, poop or pee (or equivalents) you know right away that they either have small children in their lives or never really exited adolescence. In my case, the former is true (hopefully not the latter also). You also know that their reality perception is skewed further when they speak about these nouns with great excitement. So let me preface my upcoming statement by saying that the ongoing cost of buying diapers, the often unpleasant experience of changing them, the lack of human dignity in having to pick up mini human droppings off the carpets of your home and the uncomfortably intimate understanding of how certain foods alter various attributes of another person's bowel movements are enough to challenge the sanity of any person. To see hope of these things diminishing brings an almost giddy elation.

So with that preamble established, Claire peed in the potty today for the first time. Alicia called me while I was on the bus ride and had Claire tell me what happened and with piles of strangers seated mere feet away from me I had to stop myself from exclaiming back, "Good job for peeing in the potty!" Instead I toned it down to a mere "Good job." When I got home, I hugged her and gave her the full praise. Hopefully, this glimmer of hope gets brighter for Claire. Then there's only one more left.

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