Sunday, September 25, 2011

Simple Family Sundays

Sunday afternoons are a really interesting time in our house. Because we try to give time for rest and reflection on Sunday, it cuts out much of the usual busyness of our lives. After church, Alicia and I will often retire to the bedroom for reading, personal history work or napping (usually the latter). Ben and Claire go down for their afternoon nap, and the other kids will play together with legos, build forts, make up shows, or create pretend places. I'm amazed at the creativity and good will the blossoms in them when the TV gets turned off.

Today the whole family participated in what they built. Emily had made a mall in the family room. She was the information desk and Ethan built his own station for the restaurant. So I made some dinner upstairs packed up individual rubbermaid trays and drinks and sent them downstairs. Each family member went to Emily's information kiosk and then Ethan's restaurant to get their dinner. Then we all sat down to eat on a blanket in the family room while watching family movies from the summer.

Afterwards we made caramel popcorn balls upstairs and then piled all the kids on the couch to read a story before bed.

It was a wonderful evening with everyone. I hope that the kids will remember this night and maybe others like it and have fond memories of their growing-up years at home. I know that I'll remember these nights too.

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