Sunday, October 3, 2010

Very, Very Long Conference Drive

If you ask Ethan, he’ll tell you that I got the family “lost in the mountains” today. The truth of the matter was that I wasn’t lost at all. I was just taking them further away from home than we all originally anticipated.

While listening to General Conference we drove out to Heber for a picnic, then east to Strawberry Reservoir for a little wading in the water, then east further in search for a road that would lead us south and west back to Utah Valley through Spanish Fork canyon. We were driving for a total of 9 hours and the kids were tired and hungry by the end of it.

I was a little selfish in dragging my family along for a drive that pretty much just I was interested in taking. I felt bad for that but at least in the pictures we look like we were having fun! And Alicia was a good sport about it too.

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